
  • Seachem Entice 500ml

    Seachem Entice 500ml

    Seachem Entice 500ml ​  Entice is an all natural scent and flavor enhancer for finicky eaters. Simply soak any food item in Entice to attract the interest of finicky eaters. Ideal for all marine and freshwater fish. Sizes: 250 mL, 500 mL, 2 L,...

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  • Calci Reef 10 Image

    Calci Reef 10

    Calci Reef Calcium and Magnesium Booster 10 Capsules A large number of marine organisms, such as corals and coralline calcifying algae, use calcium and carbonates to synthesise their rigid structures. Calcireef+ provides calcium and magnesium. It also...

    MSRP: £19.99
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  • Prodibio Stronti 12 Prodibio Stronti 12

    Stronti 12

    Prodibio Stronti Reef Calcium Booster 12 Capsules - Marine Reef Aquarium Strontium is an essential trace element in reef aquariums and is vital for coral development in closed reef tank environments. Strontium also stimulates the growth of hard corals...

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  • Prodibio Stronti 6

    Stronti 6

    Prodibio Stronti Reef Calcium Booster 6 Capsules - Marine Reef Aquarium Strontium is an essential trace element in reef aquariums and is vital for coral development in closed reef tank environments. Strontium also stimulates the growth of hard corals...

    MSRP: £13.99
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  • Prodibio Stop Ammo 12

    Stop Ammo 12

    Prodibio Stop Ammo Ammonia Binder 6 Capsules - Marine Reef Aquarium Ammonium is very toxic in an aquarium, especially when the pH level exceeds 7.5. It is the cause of nitrite surges and the cause of stress, immunity deficiency and damage to the gills...

    MSRP: £21.99
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  • Prodibio alka reef 10

    Prodibio Alka Reef 10

    Prodibio Alka Reef 10 Capsules Carbonate and hydrogen carbonate ions are used by calcifying organisms, such as corals and coralline algae, in order to form the calcium carbonate of their rigid structures. It is therefore vital that these ions are...

    MSRP: £19.99
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